Sundays @ 10:30AM • 111 Exeter Place Dr •  San Antonio, TX 78253


Pillar San Antonio is committed to expository preaching. This means that our preachers make the text of scripture the focus of their sermon, in order to demonstrate that Jesus Christ is the focus of the Bible (Luke 24). The preaching moment is one God has specially designed, where faithful men interact with and proclaim God’s Word and help the congregation do the same.

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Salvation Belongs To The Lord

January 12 Jared Huntley Series: Jonah

Jonah 2 – Have you ever been at spiritual rock bottom? In Jonah chapter 2, the prophet Jonah recounts how God mercifully saved him from death and judgment while inside the belly of a great fish. The passage teaches that it is God alone who rescues us from the depths of our sin, so in […]

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